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Tech Tip for Hole Saws

  • Always wear eye protection.

  • Always be sure that the pilot drill extends beyond the cutting edge of the saw by at least 1/8".

  • Be sure to secure the material to be cut to keep it from spinning or slipping.

  • Be sure to start the cutting process with the saw square to the material being cut.This will ensure that all teeth begin to cut at the same time and will help prevent premature wear and damage to the saw.

  • Be sure to follow the recommended operating speed for the saw size and the material shavings to clear out of the hole beling cut.

  • Operator should feed the saw in and out to allow the material shavings to clear out of the hole being cut.

  • Cutting oils or lubricants should be used to extend the life of the saw, except when cutting wood or cast iron.

  • Occasionally check the mandrel's drive pins to be sure they are still fully engaged in the saw and that they have not vibrated out of the drive holes in the saw.

  • When sawing in wood,finish the hole from the opposite side to prevent splintering.Once the pilot drill has broken through the other side,you can use this hole to guarantee you are in line with where you have already started cutting.

  • When sawing resistent and difficult to cut materials,drill a couple of small holes on the circumference to allow chips to clear.

  • Keep an oil soaked sponge inside the hole saw if you:

    -Cannot lubricate in the normal way

    -Operate in stainless steel

    -Operate in a vertical position from above