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Quality Assurance

LAVA  is committed to high quality standards for all its products and services. With its thirst on State of the art technology at every level and a wide range of products, LAVA can provide ideal solutions for the stringent requirement of the customer. Backed by two decades of experience in different industries(Since 1994,our parent company was established), and close association with customers, LAVA will always bring new products which will give better life and value to the user.

Quality assurance system consists of various steps of control measures taken during production so that they perform satisfactorily under service conditions.

The specification of each product, supplied by LAVA is comparable to international specifications. We take all possible measures so that the products conform to the required specifications mentioned in the data sheet.

The quality assurance system consists of the following steps:

1. Inspection and Control of incoming raw materials

2. Inspection and control of the process

3. Final inspection of product Standardization of quality of each product by process control and experimentation

4. Taking corrective measures whenever deviations are noted

5. Quality audit by quality management.

By Following the above steps we maintain the quality within specification so that the materials perform as per expected norms. Qualified and experienced engineers working in our quality assurance system. We have the most modern test facilities for precise testing at each stage. Further, regular quality audit carried out by our Research and Consultancy Directorate ensures product quality within required norms. Quality assurance plan of our principles has been awarded ISO 9001 Certification.